When it comes to customer relationship management (CRM), Zoho CRM stands out as a versatile tool with a wide array of modules to suit various business needs. In this article, we will delve into the world of modular software and how custom modules can take your CRM experience to the next level.

Understanding CRM Modules

Zoho CRM provides a comprehensive set of modules, including Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Deals, to address common CRM needs. These modules serve as the foundation for managing customer information and interactions. However, every business is unique, and their CRM requirements may vary.

Customising Base Modules

The adaptability of Zoho CRM is an asset. Default modules may be customised to meet the unique requirements of your organisation. This customization can involve adding or removing fields, adjusting field values, setting validation rules, and defining behavior. For instance, you might add a “Mother Company” field to the Accounts module, make “First Name” a mandatory field for Leads, or rearrange the stages in the Deals module to better reflect your sales process.

Creating Your Own Modules

If the default modules don’t fully cater to your business requirements, Zoho CRM allows you to create entirely new modules from scratch. Imagine a real estate company needing a comprehensive inventory module for tracking properties with details like square footage, number of bedrooms, and floor plans. Alternatively, you can leverage CRM’s built-in actionable market data.

Custom modules not only enable you to manage different sets of information within the CRM but also seamlessly integrate with data from other CRM modules. For instance, you can link a real estate record to a transaction or add an “Agent” field to your real estate module, allowing CRM users to fill in relevant information.

Building Your Own Custom Module

Let’s explore the process of creating a custom module for retail outlets as an example.The first steps are as follows:

Step 1: Get to Know CRM Content

Navigating to Settings ␧ Setup ␤ Customization ␤ Modules grants you access to the CRM Modules page, where you can manage and create modules.

Step 2: Create a New Module

Locate the “Create New Module” button and click it. This action will open the page for creating a new module.

Step 3: Define Module Name

In the module designer, click on the “Untitled” button at the top and provide a name for your module. For instance, you can name it “Retail Outlets” for plural and “Retail Outlet” for singular.

Step 4: Customize Fields

Customize the fields for your module. Fields may be added, removed, or changed as required. For instance, you can remove unnecessary fields, add new ones, and rearrange their order to match your requirements.


Step 5: Set Permissions

Configure module permissions by specifying who can access the module. You can assign access to specific user roles or groups, ensuring that the right people can work with the custom module.

Step 6: Save Your Module

Once you’ve finished designing your custom module, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to create it.

Using Custom Modules

With your custom module in place, accessing and utilizing it is straightforward:

  • Go to the top menu bar and find the “Retail Outlets” option (or the name of your custom module).
  • Click on it to open the module page, where you can create or import retail outlet records.

Creating records within custom modules is intuitive, as the interface aligns with other CRM modules. You can take advantage of standard CRM capabilities, including views, filters, import/export options, and printing. Additionally, custom modules support file attachments and actions, enhancing your ability to manage critical information efficiently.

Enhancing Data Management

Custom modules empower you to organize essential information alongside other critical data within your CRM. Embrace a more simplified and integrated method of handling your company data and bid farewell to separate Excel files.

The Power of Customization

Customization is a cornerstone of Zoho CRM’s effectiveness. While the pre-configured modules cover a broad spectrum of business needs, the ability to tailor your CRM environment to your specific requirements is invaluable. How can your business profit from customisation? Let’s have a look at some important details.

Adaptation to Unique Workflows

Every business operates differently, and Zoho CRM understands that. There is a marked difference in the procedures and workflows of several industries, including retail, real estate, banking, and others. Zoho CRM’s custom modules allow you to align your CRM system with these unique workflows seamlessly.

Imagine you’re in the real estate industry, where property details play a crucial role. Default modules might not offer the specific fields you need, such as square footage, number of bedrooms, or floor plans. By creating a custom module dedicated to property listings, you can capture and manage these essential details effortlessly.

Enhanced User Experience

A well-customized CRM not only meets the business’s functional requirements but also enhances the user experience. Your team members will appreciate a CRM that feels tailor-made for their tasks. Customizing modules to display the most relevant information upfront can boost productivity and efficiency.

For example, in a retail business, having quick access to inventory levels, product details, and customer preferences can make a significant difference. Your sales staff can provide customers the best experience possible by tailoring modules to emphasise these factors.

Data Accuracy and Relevance

Customization isn’t just about adding new fields; it’s also about refining existing ones. Guaranteeing data accuracy is possible with the help of validation rules, default values, and behaviours. Inaccurate or irrelevant information can hinder decision-making and lead to missed opportunities.

Let’s say you run a financial services company, and the default Leads module doesn’t include a field for capturing a lead’s investment preferences. By customizing the Leads module to include this field and specifying acceptable values (e.g., stocks, bonds, real estate), you ensure that your team collects pertinent data for personalized financial advice.

Seamless Integration

Custom modules in Zoho CRM don’t exist in isolation. They seamlessly integrate with other modules, creating a cohesive ecosystem for your CRM data. This integration extends the benefits of customization across your entire CRM environment.

Consider a scenario in which you’ve customized a module to track project milestones. You can link these milestones to specific client accounts, creating a direct connection between project progress and client interactions. This integrated approach enhances visibility and ensures that your team has a holistic view of each client’s journey.

Efficient Data Management

Managing critical business information becomes more efficient with custom modules. No longer will you need to rely on disparate spreadsheets or external databases to track specialized data. Custom modules allow you to centralize all relevant information within your CRM, streamlining data access and reducing the risk of data silos.

In a manufacturing company, for instance, you might create a custom module to monitor machine maintenance schedules. By linking this module to Accounts or Contacts, you can easily view maintenance history when interacting with clients. Improved service delivery and happier customers may result from taking this preventative measure.

Conclusion: Using Custom Modules to Their Full Potential

In conclusion, Zoho CRM’s custom modules provide businesses with the flexibility to adapt their CRM system to their unique needs, ensuring a tailored and efficient customer relationship management experience. By harnessing the power of custom modules, you can unlock the full potential of your CRM and drive business success.

Customization empowers you to align your CRM with unique workflows, enhance the user experience, maintain data accuracy, facilitate seamless integration, and efficiently manage critical information. It’s a smart move that will boost productivity, decision-making, and connections with customers.

As you explore the world of custom modules within Zoho CRM, consider the specific needs of your organization. Identify areas where customization can drive meaningful improvements and streamline your operations. With the right approach to customization, your CRM can become a powerful tool that propels your business toward growth and success.

© Image credits to ERIKO


Posted in CRM