Making the Most of Facebook’s Features to Expand Your Business

Simply hearing the word “feature” can imply something extra. Utilizing the additional tools and functionalities provided by Facebook can significantly enhance your business page’s performance, elevating both you and your brand. Provided you know how to leverage them effectively. Fortunately, that’s precisely what we’re here to guide you through.

With a steady stream of new features constantly being introduced (such as Graph Search and Facebook Gifts). Businesses have ample opportunities to boost engagement levels. From integrating apps into your Timeline or business Page. To utilizing mobile devices, embedding social widgets for increased visibility, and even investing in advertising, the possibilities are vast.

Maximizing Engagement through Photo and Post Tagging

Epiphanie Bags established its Facebook business Page in 2009 and has since amassed over 42,000 likes. The page showcases the brand’s key products, primarily camera photo bags. Interestingly, most of the images featured on Epiphanie’s business Page are not ones captured by the brand itself but rather by its customers and fans.

Encouraging customers to share their own photos of the products on your Facebook page, whether through contests or word-of-mouth, fosters loyalty and engagement. When fans tag the brand in their posts, these photos typically appear on the right side of the page under “Recent Posts by Others.” However, Epiphanie goes a step further by reposting these pictures in their main News Feed, thereby amplifying engagement and incentivizing more fans to participate.

Strategic Post Scheduling for Optimal Impact

Maintaining a consistent and engaged presence on your Facebook page is crucial. Scheduling posts can help alleviate the pressure of frequent posting while ensuring a steady flow of content. Utilizing Facebook’s built-in scheduling feature is advisable to prevent any negative impact on your EdgeRank.

Making Your Page More Discoverable with SEO

If you want people to find your Facebook page naturally, you need to optimise it for search engines. Basic SEO principles, such as choosing a strong name, creating a customized vanity URL, strategically using keywords, and adding local information, can significantly improve your page’s visibility.

Leveraging Graph Search for Business Insights

Although not yet available to all users, Graph Search holds immense potential for small businesses. By allowing hyper-specific searches based on user interests, locations, and pages liked, businesses can gain valuable insights into their audience and competition.

Amplifying Reach through Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising offers a quick and efficient way to boost interaction with your fan base. With options to promote posts, create specialized offers, or discounts, businesses can effectively target their desired audience and increase visibility.

Integrating Social Widgets for Enhanced Engagement

Embedding Facebook directly into your website can drive traffic to your page and encourage interaction. Visitors are more likely to interact with your material and keep up with your updates when you include social widgets like the Facebook Like button.

Improving Growth Through Analysis of Facebook Interactions

Facebook Insights is a great tool for keeping tabs on your audience’s make-up, engagement rates, and the success of your content. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, businesses can refine their strategies and optimize their Facebook presence for maximum impact.


Businesses may boost their online presence, engage their audience effectively, and achieve sustainable growth by utilising Facebook’s enhanced features and functions.

© Image credits to Jeremy Bishop